I have heard nothing, but complaining from the parents in the special needs community about Disneyland’s recent policy change for families that bring their child with special needs. First, I should say my son has Aspergers and is high functioning and we took a family trip to Disneyland the first week of June 2014.
I Can Be a Leader
Closing My Eyes so You Can Fly
I was out with some friends recently, and they always seem to believe that I have the answers or that I just don’t want to hold on as tight to my son. No, it isn’t that. It is more I want to allow myself to let go and allow my son to spread his wings. One said you are way better at letting go then I am. I don’t believe I am good at letting go, but there are a few things I do know.
Taking Care of Yourself While Caring for Others
It's Just an EEG, so Why the Tears?
Fears of a Mother with a Special Needs Child
Balancing Life with Special Needs Children
Vacationing with our Special Needs Son
AiN and How It All Started
In 2006 our family moved from our home in Oregon to the East Bay. We have two sons, and at the time our youngest, Yaakov, had been diagnosed with Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. He was four years old. His behaviors were out of control. He punched me, he pushed me down the stairs, and even tried to jump out of the car.