Your support enables us to improve the lives
of local families who need assistance.

Make your tax deductable gift today!



We depend on contributions from generous individuals to continue our work in the special needs community.


Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about All in Need. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.


Become a Sponsor


Ultimate Escape

Five Star Treatment Level benefits, plus:

$1,250 goes to All in Need’s Angel Fund*
$1,250 goes to All in Need’s Heroes Fund**
Your name will be recognized when gifts and money are given to families

* The All in Need Angels Fund is awarded annually in December to an All in Need family selected by the Board who may be going through specially difficult times and need extra support to help pay for medical expenses or other needs.

**Fallen Heroes is All in Need’s way of honoring children who have passed away or are going through a challenging time. All in Need remembers children who have passed away by holding events in honor of the child and dedicating web pages, while also providing support for children going through difficult times by means of donations, meals, or other means of support.


Five Star Treatment

All Date Night Level benefits, plus:

Sponsor advertisement on All in Need website
Sponsor’s coupons and/or flyer attached to handout given to families
Additional sponsorship of four special events per year
Sponsor table or staff presence at four special events per year (optional)


Date Night

All Walk in the Park Level benefits, plus:

Sponsorship of 10 Revive events a year
Sponsor logo printed on handout to families
Recognition and logo on:
- All in Need Website
- All in Need Newsletters
- Social Media


Walk in the Park


Sponsorship of three special events
Recognition and logo on:
- Event Posters
- Event Flyers
- All in Need Website
- All in Need Newsletters
- Social Media


More Ways to Give

Give while you shop

SmileAmazon is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Just click the button below and search for “All in Need.”

eScrip is a continuous fundraiser. When you hook up your credit cards, Safeway card and more to All in Need, a percentage of your purchase will go to All in Need! Use group ID number 500030170 to participate.


Gift Your Stocks, Bonds and Other Investments

We are thrilled to share that we are now setup to accept gifts of stocks, bonds, and other investments. Edward Jones says, “When you donate to a 501c3 organization, most of your donations are tax-deductible, which makes your donation both generous and a good financial decision.” It goes on further to say that the “IRS rules for gifting enable you to deduct contributions between 30% and 50% of your adjusted gross income.”

Consider gifting to All in Need this year, please contact Autumn for any further information.