Teachers Change the World One Child at a Time

The end of the year is almost here, and I cannot help but reflect on my youngest’s school year; actually, on his school career. It is hard to believe that he is approaching his senior year. I am terrified to even think about him graduating high school. I have always felt that he is socially a couple of years behind his classmates and even though he is 17. His maturity is closer to 15-year old’s if we are lucky. (I know boys are always lower maturity level than girls, but it is different with him.)

But, I want to focus on the people that have helped shape who Yaakov is becoming; either those who came along side of me to support him in learning or held both Yaakov and I up when I felt like I was failing him. Yaakov has had an IEP since he was 3 years old. For many years it was for Speech and Language and later he qualified for Specific Learning Disability, and then Autism, and most recently Autism and Specific Learning disability specifically in math.

Be an Angel - Imagine that Your Child Can't Hear

Parenting is challenging, and having a child who is hard of hearing takes it to another level.

This is the challenge that Gretchen Hazlett’s family faced. As a nine year old, Gretchen received cochlear implants. They helped amplify sound, but it was still challenging for her to discern speaking voices from background noise – a huge challenge in a classroom full of young children.

Be an Angel - Help Families Through Their Most Challenging Moments

A stroke at 6 years old. This is just one of the challenges that families who have children with special needs face. That’s why All in Need established the Angel Fund. The fund grows throughout the year and each year a recipient is selected to receive a portion of the fund. These recipients are children whose families are facing an unforeseen expense.