Successful Kids with Special Needs

He did it!

He was promoted to 6th grade from mainstream elementary! After years of special day classes and Yaakov’s first year of mainstream he was successful and made it to 6th grade without having to move back to special day!

My mother and nephew came down for the promotion and witnessed Yaakov with his florescent green and pink hair along with his matching clothes and sunglasses walk across the stage! Afterwards, the fifth graders spent the day having with games, inflatables, and a dunk tank.

After the party at school we invited his past teachers, family, and friends to celebrate his success with a party in the backyard. Getting his favorite food catered, Rubios, and a cake we enjoyed a fun filled day.

As proud as I am of him, I cannot forget all the people who have helped him be successful.

He has had a couple of amazing special day teachers and his mainstream teacher this year was beyond amazing. The principal loved my son and wanted to see him succeed and made sure it was setup that he could. I can never put into words how their support made a difference in not just Yaakov’s life but my own.

Seeing my son struggle these last few years would eat at me and knowing that I am doing all I can wasn’t easy to live with. It was these last couple years that I felt like I could relax, because I didn’t feel I was the only one fighting for my son’s success. It was evident in everything the IEP team did that they also wanted to see him become the most he could be. I could only wish this for every parent who has a child with special needs.

We just received our oldest son’s report card, Austin also has an IEP and we were thrilled to see 5 B’s and 3 A’s on his report card. I cannot say this wonderful report card is because of the support from the IEP team, but because he actually applied himself. As we were thrilled to see this report card; we were more thrilled that he applied himself. Like his father, the kid is smart! We over course, celebrated with pizza because at our house their success, no matter how big or how small, is supported by us and we want to show them that.