Commitments for Parents

I will always love and respect my child for
who he is and not who I want him to be.

I will give my child space – to grow, to
dream, to succeed, and even, sometimes, to fail.

I will create a loving home environment and show my child
that she is loved, whenever and however and however I can.

I will, when discipline is necessary, let my child know
that I disapprove of what he does, not who he is.

I will set limits for my child and help her find security
in the knowledge of what is expected of her.

I will make time for my child and cherish our moments
together, realizing how important – and fleeting – they are.

I will not burden my child with emotions and problems he is
not equipped to deal with, remembering that I am the parent and he is the child.

I will encourage my child to experience the world and all its
possibilities, guiding her in its ways and taking pains to leave her careful, but not fearful.

I will take care of myself physically and emotionally so that I can
be there for my child when he needs me.

I will try to be the kind of person I want my child to grow up
to be – loving, fair-minded, moral, giving and hopeful.

-Author Unknown